From the Sanctuary: I take a different vantage point in the Sanctuary today as part of my new “Reverse that MS” therapy. The neurologist has ordered some IV steroid treatments which have me alternating crashing for an hour and cleaning/decluttering my house for several more. We’re almost done with those guerrilla treatments, and my closets will miss them. My supplemental self-therapy was great today. Quiet nature walk and photography session followed by lollygagging and meditating in a lawn chair for an hour creekside in the sunshine; a water bottle by my side with ¼ glass of wine inside of it watching the ducks meander by. And now writing. Never saw that on a prescription slip, but it works for me!
I experienced some awesome nature sightings this week. Swooping birds were the main theme: a seagull bravely landing in front of my moving car for a discarded piece of bagel, a nearby hawk that I unintentionally frightened on the way to the mailbox who eyeballed me from a close branch and a heron splashing his way into the creek. A stunning nature scene presented itself one evening as the sun shone through the snow showers with a backdrop of two deer lying down in front of the hedgerow. If snow lingers still in April, at least it presents itself like a holiday card!
Humor came out in full form regarding this persistent winter with a weatherman snapping a snow shovel over his knee and my getting an email inviting me to a golf outing in July with the subject line, “Snow or Shine.” Lovin’ our happy, hearty Western New Yorkers! And as always when we have long winters, the new life in spring happens overnight. Today I’m embracing the fifty degree day with remaining snow on my deck and forget-me-nots all over my lawn. Now that it is here, the warm weather is even more savored.
At glass-raising time this week: Someone once said to me about the sunsets in Florida, “We tend to take them for granted and don’t pay much attention to them.” I thought about her words as I watched the sun sink into the Western New York horizon for the umpteenth time. I’m not there yet. That’s my occasion to pay homage to the good of the day. ALL of the rest can wait until the pink goes away…the dryer buzzer, the mailbox, the garbage, the text messages, the cell phone. There is beauty to be beheld; serenity to be experienced, joyful moments to be cherished. And I don’t want to miss out on them. I notice the birds chirping goodnight, the buds emerging on the trees the swaying pine branches, the ever-changing clouds making way for the visible sun that has been elusive. And as it descends, I celebrate a night out this week at a fundraising dinner for an organization that my friend’s family started in memory of their Mother/Grandmother and my daughter’s role in that, my friend Carol and her kitty, a full week back to work, my job, my Capture Life Writing venture, my medical team, my son introducing me to “trap music,” etc. There is always etc, for the thankfuls never stop coming.
Sometimes you have to create your own sunshine. But today is it is here. May you enjoy it in peace until the pink goes away, and beyond…
