I have had to reconcile with my perception of “evil” in the world. My first understanding of this word that I remember was hearing about what the white men did to the Indians. The confusion I experienced after learning about that was magnified after hearing about the holocaust. That was in grade school after I read The Diary of Anne Frank. After that it was the horrors of the atomic bomb. Later in my personal life it was a partner’s sudden change to another woman and the simultaneous news I received from my employer that they were letting me go after thirty-five years of dedicated service. All of these examples made me think about how such seemingly heinous acts could happen.So when I had the opportunity to do self selected research in college, I told my advisor I wanted to investigate the holocaust and how it ever became okay with the world to exterminate millions of humans.
I had always associated this event with Adolf Hitler, so I began taking a look at his life. I studied and considered all perspectives. I even read Mein Kampf (his biography), so I could take into consideration his life and point of view. What I learned about the laws of eugenics and how those governed and held the attention of the world at the time and shaped Hitler’s ideals, brought me from a shocked casual observer to having a compassionate understanding of the circumstances. In other words, I saw his human. The resulting seventy-five page research paper gave me a lesson in how I can be quick to judge and assume without knowing the whole story.
I was a Catholic school girl taught by nuns who often threatened us with the fiery pits of hell. I never quite believed in that place, and when my fifth grade art teacher shared with us (behind closed doors) that God forgave everyone without exception, that philosophy sat better with me, and I’ve felt delivered from evil ever since. All that is dark can be illuminated.
After my Holocaust lesson, my outlook on evil has softened considerably. When I talked with my life coach/spiritual mentor about this, she offered that she abides by the idea to stay in a state of mind where there is no evil, just a place where she blocks all of the good that is abundant everywhere all the time. That feels best to me. Every day we are faced with divisiveness and politics and snide language used to describe what could easily be construed as evil. But if I step aside I can always find ways to see those, forgive and acknowledge them and move on to situations where I am able to generate good energy. Life is full of choices, and I make all of mine toward whatever might be defined as good, keeping in mind that others may see those as evil.
The arctic blast that consumed Ohio has passed, and spring is ramping up here in Yellow Springs. More birds are chirping, more people are out. Mary continues to network with people around the world in her PhD program and students are lining up for music lessons from Scott at the same time his debut children's book is taking shape at the publisher. Abundance is flowing. Meanwhile, we are manifesting a space for Twelve Angels as we begin to imagine land and outbuildings for creative expression (including a music school), nature acreage for regenerative farming and training and ecotherapy and an offline life resource center. We both have been on mini mission trips to find and meet the needs of others in the community. We call in the assistance of what Mary is now calling the HumanNet, others in this generous neighborhood who are eager to help. It’s a beautiful tightening of heart connection bonds.
Real estate opportunities are popping up all over, and so are our ideas for funding for this physical manifestation of Twelve Angels. Stay tuned with us in that high vibration frequency to watch it appear as the stars align.
May you see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, know no evil.
Love, Light and Blessings,

Mary this is beautiful!🩷