Took some time out from the world to escape in The Sanctuary. In between an assisted living home visit for a reading was my quiet time and ecotherapy and lots of it. A monarch butterfly flitted by and landed on my swamp milkweed. This was a gift from a friend a year ago who promised that it would attract. Promise fulfilled! This exquisite visitor alternated playing and feeding for two hours while I watched and marveled at the relaxed state of its simple state of being. Therefore, I relaxed as well. Simultaneously, a ruby throated hummingbird sipped at the nectar from my bee balm in the garden while a cabbage moth trapped herself in my screened-in area. No worries, I of course freed her.
At dusk, I took a walk and sat down in the grass at a random spot by the creek and inhaled the beauty, which included the sounds of cicadas, blue herons chirping frogs, cooing mourning doves and the view of Queen Ann’s Lace, Poison Ivy and water trickling from a lack of rain. Back in the lanai for the evening, I wondered at the orange lilies with the backdrop of peach from the sunset reflecting on my weathered wooden fence, setting the stage for the fireflies to appear as the sun sinks into darkness.
Raising a glass at sunset tonight for my countless blessings. I spent two weeks cat sitting my friend’s sixteen-year old kitty at her peaceful garden home. No spa could be the equal. Had the privilege of reaching my goal of achieving the great honor of Reiki Master with a spiritual guide and four inspirational seekers in one of the most enlightening weekends I’ve ever experienced.
Celebrated a priceless and rare night out in barbecue form with my two adult biological children minus their wonderful partners to heal past differences, share pale ale and laugh about the future. Add to that a day out with Son’s girlfriend who shared her life’s dreams and goals and plans to carry them out. Wow. All I can say about that is that our so-called labeled Millennials have such a bad wrap and if we Baby Boomers would only take the time to listen to them more we would glean an extraordinary amount of wisdom!
I am three months from a life transition “refiring” from 35 years of serving students at the University at Buffalo to serving those branded with emotional/mental diagnoses, guiding them back to their true selves using the formula that worked with me…the power of words, love, human connection and nature. Grateful to be making the connections I need now and getting the support of the local and world community. As I like to say, we all must learn to help one another.
Lastly, sharing this sign that I saw displayed outside a community center (formerly the first library I ever set foot in as a child). It made this writer’s heart sing that handwriting is back:
“Cursive Lessons.”
Happy Summertime Everyone!
